ContainerAdvancedSettings Class




FSLogix Container Advanced Settings





Type Name Description
EnableState AccessNetworkAsComputerObject Specifies the 'Access network as computer object'.
String AttachVHDSDDL Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.
String DiffDiskParentFolderPath Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.
EnableState FlipFlopProfileDirectoryName Specifies the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names'.
IgnoreNonAVD IgnoreNonAVD Specifies the 'Ignore non-AVD sessions' (Experimental).
UInt32 LockedRetryCount Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.
UInt32 LockedRetryInterval Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.
EnableState NoProfileContainingFolder Specifies the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles'.
EnableState OutlookCachedMode Specifies the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook'.
EnableState PreventLoginWithFailure Specifies the 'Prevent logons with failures'.
EnableState PreventLoginWithTempProfile Specifies the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles'.
UInt32 ReAttachIntervalSeconds Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.
UInt32 ReAttachRetryCount Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.
RedirectType RedirectType Specifies the 'Redirect type'.
EnableState RemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff Specifies the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff'.
RoamSearch RoamSearch Specifies the 'Search roaming feature mode'.
String SIDDirNameMatch Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.
String SIDDirNamePattern Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.
String SIDDirSDDL Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.
Boolean UseAccessNetworkAsComputerObject Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseAttachVHDSDDL Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseDiffDiskParentFolderPath Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseIgnoreNonAVD Specifies if the 'Ignore non-AVD sessions' option is enabled or disabled (Experimental).
Boolean UseLockedRetryCount Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseLockedRetryInterval Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseNoProfileContainingFolder Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseOutlookCachedMode Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UsePreventLoginWithFailure Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UsePreventLoginWithTempProfile Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseReAttachIntervalSeconds Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseReAttachRetryCount Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseRedirectType Specifies if the 'Redirect type' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseRoamSearch Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseSIDDirNameMatch Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseSIDDirNamePattern Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseSIDDirSDDL Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseVHDNameMatch Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseVHDNamePattern Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseVHDXSectorSize Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean UseVolumeWaitTimeMS Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.
String VHDNameMatch Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.
String VHDNamePattern Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.
VHDXSectorSize VHDXSectorSize Specifies the 'VHDX sector size'.
UInt32 VolumeWaitTimeMS Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.


Type Name Description
Int32 CompareTo (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Void CopyFrom (ContainerAdvancedSettings other)
Boolean Equals (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Int32 GetHashCode () Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Type GetType ()
String ToString ()

References to Types
